황 우철 黄 宇哲 Hwang, Ouchul
Painter/Sculptor/Poet/ Writer/Director
Born in 1963, Yeosu, South Korea
Doctor of Science in Screen Expression, ABD(All But Dissertation), Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, supervised by Professor Kohei Ando, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Contact Information
Tel.: +86 188 1762 1370
e-mail: ouchul63@naver.com
URL: http://blog.naver.com/ouchul63
Current Status
Currently: Live and work in Shanghai, China and Yeosu, South Korea
As full time Artist
Inspired by his father, Hwang took up painting, drawing, writing, and reading great literature in his earliest childhood. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Seoul National University and has graduate credits from New York University and MFA at the School of Art and Design at Pratt Institute, USA. He completed the Doctor of Science from graduate school of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies at Waseda University in Tokyo Japan.
He is a prolific and influential painter, sculptor and poet who have created over 2000 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles. They include abstract paintings, drawings, calligraphy, sculptures, ceramics, illustrated children’s books, poetry and imagery, including ‘Painter’s Dream’, ‘A King of No Kingdom’, and the full-length screenplays ‘Tear, Love, Smile’, ‘I am Beautiful’, ‘November’, ‘Too Late Beach’ and ‘I Mean It’.
His work is noted for its sensory components and often reflects the activities, dreams and turbulence in his own life. During his many travels he was influenced by different kinds of people, developing a brilliance and maturity of style that encompasses the light and gracefulness along with the dark and passionate.
Hwang’s works have been presented at exhibitions in various galleries and museums in South Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and The Netherlands, including the Ilmin Museum of Art in South Korea, the Duolun Museum of Modern Art in China, the Hokkaido Modern Art Museum in Japan, and the Queen’s Gallery in Thailand. His works are widely collected by museums, galleries and private collectors.
Hwang also created films such as ‘I Mean It’, ‘A Talk’, ‘Nothing is Something’, ‘Water’, ‘The King My Father’, ‘Thief’, ‘Vincent’, and ‘Takao Dancer’. His film project ‘I am Beautiful’ was an official selection at the 2010 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. The World’s Renown film magazine VARIETY Tokyo Film Review says “…the directors’ restless imaginations keep “Takao Dancer” from becoming the over- familiar romantic meller its plot basics would suggest. The tone unpredictably lurches from farce to thriller and beyond. While Hwang’s colorful abstract paintings are perhaps the most conspicuous visual element in a presentation that often verges on cinematic collage,..” His film <Takao Dancer> received ‘Best Foreign Film Award’ at Heritage Film Festivals IDOLS Sofia Bulgaria 2015.
As a writer/director, his new film <VINCENT> produced in Hangzhou, China 2015, has been world widely appreciated in many international film festivals such as ‘In Competition’ at The 9th Padova River Film Festival Italy, ‘Nominated as best short film world cinema’ at Norway-Tamil Film Festival 2015 Norway, ‘Official Selection’ at A Long Week of Short Films Festival, Shanghai China 2015.
His influence is profound. His interests and research continue to flourish in painting, drawing, sculpture and filmmaking. He taught art and filmmaking in many universities including Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Seoul National University, South Korea. He is currently a director of SNOWMAN PICTURES and teaches at USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural Creative Industry(ICCI), Shanghai, China.
2010-2013 Doctor of Science (ABD), WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan
1991-1993 M.F.A. Pratt Institute, New York, U.S.A.
1988-1990 Graduate Credits, New York University, New York, U.S.A.
1981-1987 B.F.A. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Invited Solo Exhibitions (Paintings, Drawings, and sculptures)
2023 SCENE DE BALLET -Hwang, Ouchul, Contemporary Art Institute, Korea
2021 OUT OF DOOR-Hwang, Ouchul, Art Space Purl, Korea
2019 ART JEJU2019- Hwang Ouchul, Jeju, Korea
2019 ART PLUS2019- Hwang Ouchul, Shanghai, China
2019 Day by Day- Hwang Ouchul, Art Space PURL Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2015 One Way Ticket- Hwang Ouchul, Art Space PURL Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2010 Love Is War, Art Space PURL Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2008 Hwang Ouchul Exhibition, Contemporary Art Institute Museum, Sapporo, Japan
2008 2008 International Art Fair Art Daegu, Daegu, Korea
2008 Beautiful World II, Gallery BS.com, Tokyo, Japan
2007 A King of No Kingdom- Hwang Ouchul Solo Exhibition, Korea
Electric Power Cooperation Art Center (KEPCO), Seoul, Korea
2007 Gwanghwamun International Art Fair, National Sejong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2005 Beautiful World, National Goyang Studio Gallery, Goyang, Korea
2005 Gwanghwamun International Art Fair, National Sejong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
- Hwang Ouchul Solo Exhibition, Covalenco Museum, Netherlands
2004 Beautiful World, Bijutsu Sekai Museum, Tokyo, Japan
2003 A Painter’s Dream, SADI Window Museum, Seoul, Korea
2003 Paintings’ Story, Ellenkim Murphy Museum, Korea
2002 PARADISE, Chulam Museum, Korea
2002 Price of Insomnia, Temporary Space Museum, Sapporo, Japan
2000 Ouchul Hwang- Color Thought, Wooduk Museum, Seoul, Korea
1999 Ouchul Hwang OIL PAINTING, Hyundai Museum, Seoul, Korea
1998 Emerging Artists III- Ouchul Hwang, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
1997 Ouchul Hwang’s Paintings and Drawings, Korea Culture and Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1992 M.F.A. Thesis Show, Higgins Hall Museum, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.
Selected Group Exhibitions (Paintings, Drawings, and sculptures)
2023 DAEGU International Art Fair, Daegu, Korea
2022 Yeosu International Art Festival, Yeosu, Korea
2016 11th International Art Festival Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand
2014 2014 Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in Gangjeong
2014 Museum Image, Dongduk Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2013 Balance of Passion, Smiling Art Center, Daegu, Korea
2013 Body-Being Here, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea
2013 Painting Returns, Gallery Grida, Seoul, Korea
2009 2009 Young Art Project, Garden of Desire, KT&G Annex, Daegu
2009 Episode 1, Art Space Purl, Daegu, Korea
2009 2009 Singapore Asian Contemporary Art Fair, “New Finds” Exhibition, Suntec Convention Center, Singapore
2009 PDAF’09(Peace Dream Arts Festival 2009)-EsCorazon, Spain, CAS, Fundacion Tres Culturas, Spain
2009 ARTHK09, Hong Kong International Art Fair 2009
2009 Ink Painting Today-2009 Shanghai New Ink Art Exhibition, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China
2009 5th International Art Festival Workshop in Thailand,
2009 Art Workshop, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Feb. 2-4, 2009
2009 Art Exhibition, Art and Culture Center, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University Feb. 7-Mar 7, 2009
2009 Greater Maekong Sub-region Art sans Frontiers 2009
2009 The Teacher College of Fine Art of Luang Prabang, Feb. 9, 2009
2009 The Queen’s Gallery International Art Exchange Festival 2009 Art Workshop, Feb. 11-12, 2009
2009 Exhibition, The Queen’s Gallery, Bangkok, Feb. 15- Mar. 3, 2009
2008 2008 Japan Art Festival for World Peace, PACIPICO Exhibition hall, Yokohama, Japan
2007 Shanghai International Art Fair, Shanghai Mart, China
2007 Identity of Paintings, MJ Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2007 New Research on East-Nothern Asian Art, Songhwa Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2007 Breath Show, Key Museum, Seroul, Korea
2006 Art Plus 19, Sejong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2006 Korean Contemporary Art, Covalenco Gallery, Netherlands
2006 Korea, Japan and Germany Contemporary Art, Hokkaido Modern Art Museum, Sapporo, Japan
2005 Korean Modern Art, Gallery Covalenco, Geldrop, Netherlands
2005 The Nature, Gasan Gallery, Seoul
2004 Admired Nature, Gasan Gallery, Seoul
2004 The 2nd World Peace Art Festival, Liu Hai Su Museum, Shanghai, China
2004 Korea 5+5, Dongduk Art Gallery, Seoul
2004 Happiness-Art Journey, Chosunilbo Museum, Seoul
2004 New Image, Dongduk Gallery, Seoul
2004 Beauty of Woman, Document Archives Museum, Sapporo, Japan
2003 Management, Technology and Art, KAIST Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2002 Songun Art, Gongpyong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2002 New Generations, Nippon Art World Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2002 Contemporary Art in Japan and Korea, Hokkido Museum of Modern Art
2002 Songs and Paintings, Goyang Flower Center, Korea
2002 South-North Korea Peace Art, Sejong Cutural Center, Seoul, Korea
2002 5th Anniversary, Wooduk Cultural Center, Seoul, Korea
2001 Chulam Draw, Gallery Boda, Seoul, Korea
2001 Chumam Draw, Taibaik Charcoal Museum, Korea
2001 Korean Art, Gallery Lamer, Seoul, Korea
2001 Romanticism, Total Museum, Korea
2001 New Generations, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Goyang Contemporary Art Fair, Goyang Flower Center, Korea
2001 Art on Line, www.howart.com, www.snuart.com
2001 Painting Museum, Wing Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2001 Space and Time, Chang Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2000 China-Korea Art, Sandong Teacher’s University, China
2000 Korea-China Faculty Show, DongDuk Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2000 S.N.U. and New Millenium, City Museum of Seoul, Seoul, Korea
2000 Korean Peace Art Festival, Osaka, Japan
2000 World Peace Art Exhibition, Hangaram Museum, Seoul, Korea
1999 Two Persons’ Show, Seocho Art Institute Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1999 New Generations, Tokyo, Japan
1998 Representatives and Expressions, Hanwon Museum, Seoul, Korea
1998 Sensibility, Donga Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1998 Art Theraphy, Sunggok Museum, Seoul, Korea
1998 Parallax , Gallery Wooduk, Seoul, Korea
1998 Aroma, Choi Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1997 Korea Contemporary Art Trend, Goun Museum, Suwon University, Suwon, Korea
1997 Plain and Paintings, Woongjun Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1997 Artists’ at Studio, Korea Culture and Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1997 Highlighted Artists, Donga Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1997 Small Paintings, Choi Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1994 Three Artists, Sigma Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
1992 Seoul-New York Cultural Exchange, Gallery Korea, New York, U.S.A.
1992 Independent Show, Gallery El Bohia, New York, U.S.A.
1992 1.5 Show, Group Exhibition, Alternative Space, New York, U.S.A.
1990 20 Person Show, Ariel Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
1989 Axis and Circle, To Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1988 Young Artists, Hangang Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1988 Two Persosns, City Museum of Yeosu, Yeosu, Korea
1988 National University Associations- Students, Museum of Modern Art, GwaChon, Korea
1987 Young Vision, Dongguk Univ. and S.N.U. Student’s hall, Seoul, Korea
1987 Two Persons, Hangil Gallery, Yeosu, Korea
Filmography and Screenplays
“THE KING MY FATHER”, 4k, Redone, 21min 44 sec, produced and post-production in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2012
‘I AM BEAUTIFUL’ – 3D cinema, completed project proposal and 3nd draft of script development) which is selected in competition for FTPP(Film and TV Film Project Promotion) at 47th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, 2010-present
‘THIEF’ – which was scripted, rehearsed, cast, filmed on various mountain regions located in Taiwan and Hainan island, China from Jan. 2009-Nov. 2009 and completed its post-production in Japan at Kohei Ando Lab with a Special Grant For the Advancement of Research by MEXT, supported by Toho Film Studio, Honjo Film Studio, Arts and Science Center, Japan.
‘WATER’ – Official Selection in Competition at Con Can Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan / Official Selection in Competition at 35th HongKong International Film Festival / Finalist of the Panasonic Digital Fieasta
“TAKAO DANCER”, 4kShot on Redone, 100 MINUTES, Taiwan, 2013
Officially selected in WORLD FOCUS section at the 26th Tokyo International Film Festival 2013
Produced by Snowman Pictures in associate with Kohei Ando Laboratory
5.1 Dolby Surround Sound Mix at TOHO STUIOS, post-production center 1
Takao Dancer (working title: Tear Love Smile) was selected for participation in the Ateliers du Cinema Européen (ACE)–Hong Kong Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) Co-production Lab at the 35th Hong Kong International Film Festival and the 2011 Takao Dancer (working title: Tear Love Smile) was selected for participation in Torino Film Lab’s Script&Pitch workshops 2011(awarded with merit scholarship) in Italy.
“VINCENT”, 15 MINUTES, Hangzhou, China, 2015
Official Selection in “International Competition” at 9th River International Film Festival, ITALY
Bibliographies and Reviews
Kim, Okreal, “One way Ticket”, 2015, Art Space PURL, Catalogue publication
Kim, Okreal, “Body Being Here”, 2013, DaeGu Art Museum, Catalogue publication
Kim, Okreal, “Power of coming into Being”, 2008, Art Daegu 2008, Catalogue publication
Jo, Eunjung, ‘Media and Emotion, Beyond cultural Dichotomy’, monthly Art In Culture review, 2007, May, pp78~81
Kim, Youngho, ‘hub’ Artists Study, 2005 Goyang Studio Open Studio, Catalogue publication, pp222~223
Go, Ingeum, “Beautiful World-Fang Uchul, Aesthetic Order in Chaotic Space in Paintings‘, Japan Korea News, Aug.6 and 13, News paper Articles
Sim, Sangyong, A Painter Struggling with His Body, monthly Art In Culture, 2004, March, publication, p.p.166~171
Yaghihashi Yosio, Dedication for Paintings, 2004, Bijustu Sekai Gallery, Fang Uchul solo exhibition, Catalogue publication
Kim, Byungjong, From New York To Cheolam- Hwang Ouchul’s paintings, Painter’s Dream, publication insertion, 2003
Kim, Jungrae, Fang Uchul I met, Internet Recruit, 2003
Go, Chunghwan, Art Criticism-Hwang Ouchul, Professor’s News Paper, News Reviews, 2003,July 18
Hwang, Hyeyoung, “in the Train”, monthly Rail Road, 2002, April
Yu, Sojung, “Reading Paradise in Cheolam”, Rail Road News Paper, article insertion, 2002. 4. 19
Kim, Jungrae, “21st Century-Noteworthy Artist Fang Uchul”, Internet Recruit, 2001, May, Publication, pp.33~49
Lee, Heeyoung, “Recovery of Moral Painting Space”, For You, publication Vol.2, 2000, Dec., pp.128~133
Park, Unhyung, “I think with colors”, art and design, 2000, Dec., publication, pp.186~187
Sin, Hoseung, “Gambling in Arts”, Way to Art Colleges, 2000, Apr., monthly publication,pp.114~117
Huh, Yup , “This Artist-This Work”, DongA Daily News, 1998. 4. 29
Lee, Hwasoon, Art Therapy and paintings: Painting cures mind disease, Sports Josun Daily News, 1998. 7. 16
Jang, Dongkwang, “A Requiem for the nameless , Solo exhibition catalogue publication, Ilmin Museum of Art, 1998
Kim, Hakryang, Painting Diary, Noteworthy Artist 97, catalogue publication, DongA Gallery, 1997
Lee, Wonhong, “Artist in the spot (5)-Fang Uchul- Painting with life” DongA Daily News, 1997. 10. 13
Jo, Kwangsuk, “Exhibition Highlights-Fang Uchul”, monthly Art magazine, review, 1997, May
Sim, Sangyong, “Fang uchul Paintings”, solo exhibition catalogue publication, Art Center, Seoul, 1997
Jo, Hongje, “This month gallery-Spring Artist-Fang Uchul”, DongA Group cooperation News publication, 1997, Mar.
Editorial Dept., “Korean Artist in New York, New York Style”, Bi-monthly magazine publication, 1995, May, July.
Editorial Dept., “Korean Artist in New York, New York Style”, Bi-monthly magazine publication, 1994, Jan. Feb.
Lectures and Teaching Experiences
2017- Current
Visiting Professor/Director of Masters of Cinema
USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural Creative Industry(ICCI), Shanghai, China.
2014- 2016
Foreign Expert Professor 海外高层次人才智力教授
School of Arts, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China
Film Director, Bywood in Residency grant from Taiwan Culture Bureau, Taiwan China
Visiting Professor, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Art and Science, Taiwan China
Director/ Writer, SNOWMAN PICTURES, Taiwan China
Visiting Professor at School of Art, Design, and Media
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Visiting Professor at Tsukuba University of Technology, Japan
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Dongduk Women’s University, College of Art, Fine Arts Dept. Seoul, South Korea
Tenure-Track Lecturer at Jungang University, College of Art, Fine arts Dept., Seoul, South Korea
Tenure-Track Lecturer at Seoul National University, College of Art, Fine Arts Dept., Seoul, South Korea
Tenure-Track Lecturer at Sejong University, College of Art, Fine Arts Dept., Seoul, South Korea
Tenure-Track Lecturer at Seocho Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
1998- 2000
Tenure-Track Lecturer at Kyunghee University, College of Art, Fine Arts Dept., Seoul, South Korea
Tenure-Track Lecturer at Duksung Women’s University, College of Art, Fine Arts Dept., Seoul, South Korea
Tenure-Track Lecturer at SungSin Women’s University, College of Art, Fine Arts Dept., Seoul, South Korea
Tenure-Track Lecturer at Suwon University, College of Art, Fine Arts Dept., Suwon, South Korea
TV Broadcasting
2000.9 Hwang, Ouchul, Exhibition Review and Interview, KNC gallery, 15Minutes
1998.5 Exhibition Review and Interview, A & C Broadcasting Channel, 5Minute
Works Collections
Korea National Contemporary Art Museum (Art Bank), Ilmim Museum, WooDuk Museum, Moritany Foundation Japan, Waseda Co, Pratt Institute, Yeosu City Hall, Bradley & Julien Consulting Corp. Visual Language Ltd., SMKInternational, Korea Government of Foreign Trading Department, The Queen’s Gallery Thailand, PoChang Academy of Art Rajmangala University of Technology, Private Collections
Internet homepage/website
Residency Program Participation
Korea National Contemporary Museum Artist Residency Program
-Selected Artist as a First Period Residency Artist (2004-2005)
BYWOOD Selected Residency Artist, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Public Research sponsored by Government Grant
- Character development based on the stories of Korean traditional literature.
Public Art Works
Sculpture: <Hope and Progress>, Bronze, Ocean Resorts, Yeosu, Korea
Collaborated work with Performing Art
2009 Singapore Odyssey Dance Theater, 10th Anniversary dance “Red Tears”
2009 Panasonic Excellent Achievement, Singapore
2010 CONCAN Film Festival, Official Selection, In Competition, Tokyo, Japan
2010-2011 JASSO Scholarship, Japan
2010 Golden Horse Film Festival FTPP, Official Selection, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 125th Anniversary Waseda University Scholarship, Japan
2011 125th Anniversary Waseda University Scholarship, Japan
2012 125th Anniversary Waseda University Scholarship, Japan
2011 Golden Horse Film Festival FTPP, Official Selection, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 35th Hong Kong International Film Festival, Official Selection, Hong Kong
2011 ACE-HAF Co Production Lab, Official Selection
2011 Torino Film Festival Script & Pitch Workshop, Official Selection with Full Scholarship
2013 Officially selected in WORLD FOCUS section at the 26th Tokyo International Film Festival 2013
2015 Best Foreign Film, The 8th International Film Festival “IDOLS” Winner of Best Foreign Film Sofia Bulgaria, June 2015
2015 Film “VINCENT” / Official Selection in “International Competition” at 9th River International Film Festival, ITALY
Publication 1
Title of Dissertation:
5 Dimensional Perspectives of Cinematic Arts: Digital Cinema Practice and Aesthetics of VINCENT VAN GOGH
CPCI-SSH ( Former ISTP/ISSHP) Indexed.
2015 International Conference On Arts, design and Contemporary Education (ICADC 2015)
Publisher: Atlantis Press
ISBN (on-line): 978-94-62520-78-3
ASSEHR Journal Vol.23, SSN:2352-5398 , Date: 2015.06
First Author 1/1
Publication 2
Title of Dissertation:
Dimension Re-Structuring in Digital Filmmaking: Painting and Literature
Publisher: 上海人民美术出版社
ISBN 978-7-5322-8845-8
Published in April 2015
First Author
Publication 3
Title of Dissertation:
Google Scholar Indexed.
The manuscript has been accepted at “International Journal of Education and Research”.
Intended Publisher: Contemporary Research Center CRC Publications
ISSN: 2411-5681
First Author 1/1
Book Publication 1
Title: “A Painter’s Dream: Hwang Ouchul- I think with colors”,
Prada Printing Co, Seoul, Korea South
ISBN 9788995414200
280 pages, Full Color
Book Publication 2
Title: “Little Philosophers-Who is Real Owner?”
BARA Media, Seoul, Korea South
ISBN 987-89-6043-101-0
Full Color
Book Publication 3
Title: “Little Philosophers-Man and Swallow”
BARA Media, Seoul, Korea South
ISBN 987-89-6043-101-0
Full Color
Book Publication 4
Title: “Little Philosophers-Goose That Laid Golden Eggs”
BARA Media, Seoul, Korea South
ISBN 987-89-6043-101-0
Full Color
Book Publication 5
Title: “DREAM: Hwang, Ouchul”
Edition Fri. Canada
ISBN-10: 0991685067
ISBN-13: 978-0991685066
Full Color, 480pages
Language Proficiency
Korean: Native
English: Read, Write, Speak: Fluent
Japanese: Read, Write, Speak: Fluent
Chinese: Beginner