
Ink and Oil color on cotton fiber paper, 2022


Wow, thank you papa


I regret to marry you. Where did you get money to buy that thing? Don’t you know you have great debts? I am tired of being chased after the money. Do you know how much money we have to pay this month and next month and next month, after month until the death to come? How much money do you make every month? Let me remind you because you seem to forget it. Very little! Not enough, Too little like a tale of mouse. You are worse than a mouse. Look around you and your friends or our neighbors. They have cars and houses. She wears beautiful dress always, never worried about money. She looks so happy and enjoys satisfactory life. Look what I have in comparison. I don’t even have a new cloth for this winter. I wasted entire my life because of you. I want my life back. You killed my life. With what authority you possibly dare to do it? You are simply a loser.


What a noble man he is!

He allowed me to have this violin, half century matured with the touch of great musicians. Sound and appearance is good for my princess. “No need to pay me now” How generous he is. Great composer of our time, Great professor KAWAI. Can you imagine how happy I was to take this violin to you? You need to show your gratitude to professor Kawai. It is our duty.

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